
Upregulation of microRNA-650 by PBX1 is correlated with the development of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric carcinoma

Junzheng Liu, Lei Wang, Jie Li,  Yu Xu


Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection induces the development of gastric carcinoma (GC), one of the most frequent and fatal cancers worldwide, via a progressive cascade. The roles of microRNAs (miRNAs) involved in the cascade and the behind mechanisms, however, are still unclear. This study was designed to investigate the expression of miR-650, a well-recognized oncogenic miRNA in GC samples and to analyze the associations between this miRNA and HP infection, and the molecular mechanism. Following miRNA- and mRNA-based microarray analyses, miR-650, pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1 (PBX1), and LATS2 were filtered as targets. After that, function assays were implemented to assess their function in GC cells. miR-650 was upregulated in HP+ tissues and cells, and inhibition of miR-650 attenuated cell proliferation, invasion, migration, yet enhanced apoptosis. PBX1 was overexpressed in HP+ tissues and cells and promoted miR-650 transcription. Overexpression of PBX1 abrogated the effect of the miR-650 inhibitor on GC cells. miR-650 targeted LATS2, and LATS2 was poorly expressed in HP+ tissues and cell lines. Simultaneous knockdown of miR-650 and LATS2 reduced GC cell apoptosis. These results display that upregulation of miR-650 induced by HP infection and PBX1 dampens LATS2 in GC cells, potentially offering novel intervention targets for GC.

Received date: 08/06/2020

Accepted date: 10/05/2020

Ahead of print publish date: 11/05/2020

Issue: 2/2021

Volume: 68

Pages: 262 — 272

Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, microRNA-650, Gastric carcinoma, PBX1, LATS2

DOI: 10.4149/neo_2020_200806N823


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