
An increased level of the Concanavalin A – positive IgG in the serum of patients with gastric cancer as evaluated by a lectin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (LELISA)



All human immunoglobulins are glycosylated. The changes in IgG glycosylation are associated with autoimmune disorders and pregnancy. Little is known about IgG glycosylation in patients with cancer. A lectin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (LELISA) based method was developed for measuring the Concanavalin A – positive IgG in the serum. Its rationale is as follows: PtA was used as a capture agent for binding IgG via the Fc fragment. Then IgG and the ConA-positive glycans on the IgG were detected using an anti-human IgG-F(ab)2 alkaline phosphatase conjugate or biotinylated ConA, respectively. The index ConA binding/total IgG was calculated. Serum samples from patients with gastric carcinoma (n=53) and healthy blood transfusion donors (n=24) were analysed. The protein A-agarose and ConA-sepharose affinity chromatography was applied to the purification of IgG, ConA-positive IgG, and Fab fragments. The LELISA, SDS-PAGE and Western blot methods were used to analyse the purified IgG and Fab fragments. A significantly higher ConA binding to IgG was found in patients with cancer compared to that of blood donors (ConA index = 1.07±0.08 (95% CI) and 0.81±0.08, respectively; P=0.0002). In donors, a significant correlation between the level of IgG bound to PtA and the ConA binding (r=0.85; p

Issue: 2/2008

Volume: 2008

Pages: 143 — 150

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