
Identification of differential proteins in colon cancer SW480 cells with HIF1-α silence by proteome analysis

X. Y. WU, Z. X. FU, X. H. WANG, W. SHEN


Hypoxia is one of the basic characteristics of the colorectal cancer and HIF1 plays a central role in tumor hypoxia adaptation and controls the expression of a variety of genes. But it had not reached a comprehensive understanding of them in colorectal cancer in hypoxia. This study silenced HIF1-α, which is the regulatory subunit of HIF1, and established two dimensional gel electrophoresis profiles for human SW480siHIF1-α and SW480N cells to identified proteins with differential expressions. Ten down-regulated proteins and nine up-regulated proteins were identified by HPLC-Chip-MS/MS. Down-regulated proteins including PLD2, ANXA2. HIF1-α had a clear positive correlation with PLD2 and ANXA2 in colon adenocarcinoma samples. There proteins might have a direct or indirect contact HIF1-α, and play a critical role in apoptosis, signal transduction and hypoxia adaptation.

Issue: 4/2010

Volume: 2010

Pages: 299 — 305

DOI: 10.4149/neo_2010_04_299


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