
Claudin-7 (CLDN7) is overexpressed in gastric cancer and promotes gastric cancer cell proliferation, invasion and maintains mesenchymal state

Zhonghua Wu, Jinxin Shi, Yongxi Song, Junhua Zhao, Jingxu Sun, Xiaowan Chen, Peng Gao,  Zhenning Wang


Gastric cancer (GC) ranks as the fourth most common cancer worldwide and is among the most aggressive types of cancer. Claudin-7 (CLDN7) has been found to be aberrantly expressed in some types of cancers. However, the expression and role of CLDN7 on gastric cancer (GC) remain largely unknown. In this study, we have performed the largest expression analysis study to date of CLDN7 in 113 pairs of human GC tissues and non-tumorous adjacent tissues. We found CLDN7 expression is significantly elevated in GC tissues, and the overexpression of CLDN7 is closely related to lymph node metastasis. Furthermore, we observed that CLDN7 executes an oncogenic function, promoting cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and epithelial–mesenchymal transition in GC. Given this oncogenic role of CLDN7 in GC formation and progression, CLDN7 may have an indispensable potential for future anti-metastatic and therapeutic applications.

Received date: 03/20/2017

Accepted date: 07/12/2017

Ahead of print publish date: 05/16/2018

Issue: 3/2018

Volume: 65

Pages: 349 — 359

Keywords: Gastric cancer, CLDN7, metastasis, Epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Supplementary files:
Supplementary Figure 1 - TE.tif
Supplemental Table 1.docx

DOI: 10.4149/neo_2018_170320N200


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