
Features and impacts on the prognosis of gene mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia

Ming Wu,  Zi-Wen Guo, Gui-Nian Huang, Yong-Bin Ye


To explore features and impacts on the prognosis of common gene mutations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we assessed mutation status as well as variant allele frequency (VAF) of 24 genes in 81 AML patients by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. Eighty-six percentages of patients showed at least one mutation. Mutation in BCOR was associated with lower complete remission (CR) rate, whereas double mutation in CEBPA was associated with a favorable odds ratio for CR achievement. TP53 mutation was associated with inferior overall survival (OS) in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis confirmed the negative effect of adverse cytogenetic abnormalities on survival. Mutation in RUNX1 and ZRSR2 had negative impacts on OS in patients with wild-type TP53. VAF of SRSF2 mutation was observed negatively correlated with OS. In conclusion, our study suggested that mutations in BCOR and spliceosomes might predict worse outcomes, and VAF of gene mutations may play a crucial role in outcomes of AML patients.

Received date: 12/30/2020

Accepted date: 03/17/2021

Ahead of print publish date: 05/17/2021

Issue: 5/2021

Volume: 68

Pages: 1072 — 1078

Keywords: acute myeloid leukemia, next-generation sequencing, gene mutation, variant allele frequency

Supplementary files:
Supplementary Table S1-TE1.docx
Supplementary Table S2-TE1.docx

DOI: 10.4149/neo_2021_201230N1426


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